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First Lutheran Church
10 Pleasant Ave
PO Box 98
Akeley, MN 56433

Sunday Worship
Sunday School - 9:15 am
(Fall to Spring)
Worship - 10:00 am
Fellowship - 11:00 am

Church Office
Hours: 9-Noon, Tu-Th

Outreach Ministry

This congregation believes that God works through us.  We strive to help others in our community and throughout the world by giving them the tools and resources to help themselves.

Every month, the outreach ministry features a "Spotlight on Mission" to foster awareness and support for a given mission.  Previously Spotlighted Missions are available here.

Missions We Support


Food Shelf Akeley Nevis Food Shelf

The Food Shelf is an auxiliary of the Ministry of Outreach. It offers food support to those in the communities of Akeley and Nevis.

UCAN - United Churches of Akeley And Nevis

UCAN assists individuals and families in time of crisis and to provide emergency assistance.

LSS Senior Nutrition LSS Senior Nutrition Program

The focus of the Senior Nutrition program is “to assist Minnesota’s older adults to remain healthy, active and live independent lives.”


Habitat for Humanity Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity

Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity has a goal of eliminating poverty housing throughout the Lakes Area. The program serves low-income families with affordable home ownership.

Headwaters Intervention Headwaters Intervention Center

The goal of the agency is to serve the community through advocacy, education, violence prevention and crisis intervention.


Kinship of the Park Rapids Area

Kinship connects adults with kids and puts hope in their hearts.

Living at Home Living At Home

Living at Home enlists volunteers and other community resources to enable seniors to remain living in the home of their choice.

Mahube Mahube Community Council

Mahube provides services for low income and elderly persons living in Mahnomen, Hubbard and Becker counties.


ICAN iCAN - Interfaith Children's Advocacy Network

iCAN organizes people of faith in Minnesota to advance socially just legislation in the areas of children’s health care, child care and early education, and a healthy home environment.

LSS Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota

LSS helps Minnesota's most vulnerable by providing a wide range of human support services related to the basic necessities of life -food and shelter, physical health and safety, and emotional and spiritual well being.

Food Share Minnesota Food Share

Minnesota FoodShare advocates on behalf of hungry Minnesota families with both state and federal lawmakers and educates the public about hunger in Minnesota.


Disaster Response
ELCA Disaster Response - Domestic and International

We help to bring God’s comfort, healing and renewal to those affected by disasters. And when the dust settles and the headlines change, we stay to provide ongoing assistance to those in need.

Mission Partners ELCA Mission Partners

Mission Partners are ELCA congregations linked together in dynamic relationships to empower and expand the mission outreach of both partners.

Souper Bowl Souper Bowl of Caring

Souper Bowl of Caring equips and mobilizes congregations, schools and businesses to positively impact their communities by collecting money or food on or near Super Bowl weekend. 100% of the collections are donated directly to the charity of each group's choice.


Gods Global Barnyard God's Global Barnyard

Animals provide families living in poverty with food, funds, and fertilizer — all for a better future. Through ELCA Good Gifts, you can make a donation to support the animal-related projects of ELCA World Hunger.

Bread for the World Bread for the World

Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation's decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad.

Pennies for Peace Pennies for Peace program of the Central Asia Institute

Pennies for Peace gives you the tools to open your world and empower communities through education in Pakistan and Afghanistan!

Global Health Global Health Ministries

Global Health Ministries continues the healing ministry of Jesus Christ by enhancing health care programs of Lutheran churches in other countries.

World Hunger ELCA World Hunger

ELCA World Hunger is a comprehensive and sustainable program that uses multiple strategies—relief, development, education, and advocacy—to address the root causes of hunger and poverty. ELCA World Hunger responds to neighbors around the corner and around the world.

Global Mission ELCA Global Mission

The Global Mission unit is responsible for the ELCA’s mission outside the United States, and serves as the channel through which churches in other countries engage in mission to our church.