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First Lutheran Church
10 Pleasant Ave
PO Box 98
Akeley, MN 56433
Sunday Worship
Sunday School - 9:15 am
(Fall to Spring)
Worship - 10:00 am
Fellowship - 11:00 am
Church Office
Hours: 9-Noon, Tu-Th
Stewardship |
On behalf of your Church Council I want to reintroduce you to Stewardship. Your Council is involved in this because we don't have a Stewardship Committee and need one. The term Stewardship used to scare me. I was afraid it would ask me to do something I couldn't or didn't want to do. However, I've come to learn that it is much different than I feared. Stewardship is not a contract between you and the Church. It is not a competition to see who can give more and it is not a means to compare levels of giving. And we are not done with Stewardship after the collection plate is passed. Stewardship is a deal, contract, arrangement or agreement between each of us and God. It is a very individual and personal thing. You and God, God and you. It involves your time, talent and resources. Some say Stewardship is an act of pleasing God. We all know what pleases God. It is everything we do and say that is generous; a smile, kind word, forgiveness, assistance and love - anything given freely without want of pay-back. For us, it includes financial support of our Church, serving on a committee or task force, mowing the lawn, cleaning the Church, helping someone in need and showing our deep gratitude for all of God's gifts. And I believe it includes passing on to our children a better world than we inherited. How much should we give in the name of Stewardship? Tithing used to be the quick answer. "Give 10%"! But 10% of what? Before or after taxes? How about my time and talent - how much is that worth? Is 10% enough? It seems these questions defy answers, and that is why we now think in terms of pleasing God. Stewardship is satisfied when you and God have come to an agreement and are satisfied with your level of giving. Over the next several months your Church Council will be conducting several Stewardship programs during Sunday services. We will talk about Stewardship needs and opportunities. These programs will be successful if we all develop a deeper understanding of being proper "SERVANTS OF CHRIST AND STEWARDS OF GOD’S MERCIES.” Gil Morris FLC Council President |